Saturday, 7 April 2012

50,000 Pageviews!

A big thank you to all of you who have spared a few moments to read my various witterings.  It's nice to know that I'm not talking to myself!

Whilst the current economic climate has slimmed down my project list I expect there will be enough going on to fill a few more posts.  As it is Salute 2012 is rapidly approaching and will be combined with another wargames weekend, so expect some posts and photos from that.

I am also in the process of basing up a small batch of Mutineer Miniatures figures for my Indian Mutiny project along with some 1980's Soviets and WW2 British Paras - so there should be some photos of those coming up in the next couple of weeks.

So despite the excitement of reaching 50,000 pageviews, I shall try to keep calm and carry on...


  1. Missed this when you posted it, so a belated HUZZAH! for reaching this milestone!

  2. And to you, as I see you pipped me to the post! Although you did get there somewhat quicker than I did!
