Through the Mud and the Blood Playtest
Having read the new Too Fat Lardies rules I was keen to get them to the table to see how they played. I created a simple scenario with a single section, an HMG team and two big men (one level 2 and one level 1) of the BEF in trenches facing an assault by four gruppe of Germans with three big men (one level 3, one level 2 and two level 1). I had rated all as veterans with good morale and included the Mad Minute card for the BEF.

We learned a lot from the scenario. Firstly that I hadn't balanced it terribly well! Secondly, that whilst there are elements from Sharp Practice it has enough differences and period flavour to give a quite different game. And finally, that it's fun!
This will certainly be on the agenda for the next visit.
A Town Called Malice
We then moved on to a Wild West scenario using my new Brigade Games figures and the Two Hour Wargames Six Gun Sound rules (the original ones rather than the Blaze of Glory version).
After a drunken brawl at the Jewel Saloon Sheriff Ballcock had locked up Rick Buckler, one of the members of the Weller Gang. Of course the gang were having none of that and came into two to spring Rick.

Marathon 490BC
We finished the day off with a game of Commands & Colo(u)rs Ancients with a scenario from the first expansion Greece vs the Eastern Kingdoms. As always it was an entertaining game.