Tuesday, 15 March 2016

I'm Back!

Regular readers will have noticed the absence of posts for some months - this was a result of my personal life taking an unplanned and unexpected turn leading to me having to put all my wargaming kit into storage. So now that the Wargame Shed has a new home (albeit that the "Shed" remains metaphorical) and with all my kit out of storage I can get my various projects back on track. In the mean while I have been making a few purchases, mostly books and rules, but also some more buildings to add to my 4Ground collection. So you'll be getting to see/hear about those in due course. I have also been distracted by a potential new project before I've really made proper progress on my current one (so no change there!). But you should be seeing some actual output for my Ronin project and some expansion to my WW2 collection for Chain of Command. My next key goal will be getting back into the habit of posting - so not promises as to a regular frequency but, fingers crossed, the first "real" post will not be far away.


  1. Glad you're back. Looking forward to your posts again!!

  2. Great to have you back in the blogoshere Al!

  3. Welcome back, I had wondered where you'd gone. I hope real life is indeed getting back on an even keel for you!

  4. Yeah! I was getting worried! Great to hear that you may have got on top of whatever 'real life' woes had befallen you.

  5. Great to see you back Al. Looking forward to the new projects - especially the Ronin figures.

  6. Welcome back Al - It's been quiet without you.
