I just received an order of revetments from Snapdragon Studio the other day so I thought I post a couple of pictures (as there isn't a complete set of pictures on the Snapdragon site).
FFP1 - Straight Plank Revetment (8)
FFP3 - Crew Cutouts (2), Ends (4), Sally Point (1) and Artillery Platform (1)
FFP11 - Straight Trench with Head Logs (6)
The straight sections are roughly 6 inches in length and they are all designed to work with 25/28mm miniatures. The resin castings are pretty clear with very little in the way of bubbles or other blemishes and are of a sufficiently generic design to work for a wide variety of periods. With the first two sets coming in at £11 each and the third at £15, I think these are pretty good value for money. The service from Snapdragon was very good too.
Good on yah, posting the pictures. I've long looked at his website. He is actually halting production on most things November 1st so if you want more you best place an order.