Saturday, 6 September 2008

Wargaming Weekend Preparation

With another of our quarterly weekends of gaming rapidly approaching, I'm in the process of planning a few games and putting together the kit required. This time around my three games have a bit of a Nuts! theme to them but will, I hope, be quite different.

The first will be the start of a series of games from the SkirmishCampaigns book Rommel's Route to Verdun. This will allow me to give my Renegade early WW1 28mm figures an outing. I managed to put together the terrain I need but will, for the moment, be using a card house rather than a more substantial resin items (largely 'cos I haven't got one!). Obviously the scenario has to be adapted for Nuts! and this will be a good chance to see if the approach Lenin and I have discussed works.

Next in line will be a Winter War scenario, another from the SkirmishCampaigns series albeit this time selected on the basis of the troops available. We'll be making do with Lenin's Civil War Russians as stand ins pending the arrival of my Bolt Action figures (which I hope will get an outing next time) along with a mix of BAM, Brigade and Baker Company Finns. My Anglian T26 might also see the light of day but that will depend on how the variable attachments rolls goes for the Soviets.

As to game number three, it's a bit of a toss up between the Irish War of Independence and Spanish Civil War as I have new figures I'm just in the process of basing for both. I suspect I'll probably plump for the latter as it will give me an excuse to get out my new Grand Manner buildings. This will be another experiment as I'll be using some suggested Reps from the THW Yahoo Group which are rather lower than we're used to using so that should be interesting.

I don't think Lenin has settled on his games as yet but I think something using one of the Rattrap rule sets is likely.