Saturday 26 July 2008

Birthday Bounty

Thanks to the excessive, and very much appreciated, generosity of my relatives I netted a fair haul on my birthday. It included a couple of Ospreys on World War 1 trench warfare which will make interesting reading and, hopefully, provide food for thought for my growing collection of 28mm WW1 figures. It also included a couple of useful references on the Polish-Soviet War, the Irish War of Independence and Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell, all of which will fill my reading hours for the next few months!

Along with the books I was fortunate to get a couple of new games. Firstly, there's one to play with my daughter - Wallamoppi - an interesting looking dexterity game whether the timer is a ball-bearing track built into the wooden box. Secondly, there's one to play with my wife and friends - Thebes - a euro from Queen Games with an archaeological theme. And finally, there one pure wargame - Europe Engulfed - not sure when I'll have the 7-14 hours I'll need to play it but, having looked in the box, I'm going to try to make it happen sooner rather than later!

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